Technotools (Chestnut CD-ROM)(1993).ISO
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RUN.EXE Version 1.0, Copyright (c) 1991 Bob Stephan
All rights reserved. FREE for personal use.
RUN permits you to view the ErrorLevel from a program without having
to use a long, slow BATch file to check for every possible ErrorLevel.
The syntax is:
RUN drive:\path\filename.ext arguments
where "filename" is the name of the program you want to run. It must
be qualified with the full drive, path, and the correct .COM or .EXE
extension. The only exception is if the target program is in the
current directory in which case the drive and path may be omitted, but
the extension is required in all cases. RUN is for .COM and .EXE programs
only. It does not run BATch files, but since they do not return
ErrorLevel codes, it is of no use for BATch files anyway.
"arguments" are the normal arguments (parameters, switches, file
names, etc.) that you would use for the program if you were running it
from the DOS prompt.
If your program terminates normally, RUN will report:
RUN regained control!
Child termination type=00h, return code=xxx
where "xxx" will be the ErrorLevel code returned by your program.
The same code will be placed in the ErrorLevel by Run where it can
be checked with the IF ERRORLEVEL subcommand in a BATch file.
If the termination is not normal, you will see one of the following:
If you terminate the program with Ctrl-Break or Ctrl-C:
RUN regained control!
Child termination type=01h, return code=0
If you answer A to "Abort, Retry, Fail":
RUN regained control!
Child termination type=02h, return code=0
If RUN is unable to run your program, you might see one of the
EXEC call failed, error code=02h.
File not found - check for drive, path, filename, and extension.
EXEC call failed, error code=03h.
Path not found - check drive and path.
EXEC call failed, error code=04h.
Too many open files.
EXEC call failed, error code=05h.
Access denied - check for .EXE or .COM extension.
EXEC call failed, error code=08h.
Not enough memory.
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions please contact me at:
MOBY DISK: 1021 San Carlos Road, Pebble Beach, CA 93953
Phone: (408) 646-1899/1373. GENIE:MOBYDISK. COMPUSERVE:72357,2276
BBS: The Cricket 408-373-3773 /s/ Bob Stephan November 27, 1991